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Set up by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) / China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) Mediation Center and the Hong Kong Mediation Centre with the vigorous support of the Department of Justice, the Mainland – Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center is the first joint mediation center in Hong Kong set up by major mediation institutions in the two places. It aims to provide a platform for resolving cross-boundary commercial disputes, formulating the professional standards of mediators, mediation advocates and other disputes management professions for the Mainland and promoting Hong Kong as the center of disputes resolution.

Inauguration Ceremony of Mainland - Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center
The Inauguration Ceremony of China Council for the Mainland - Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center (MHJMC) was held in Justice Place, Department of Justice in Hong Kong on 9 December 2015. The Ceremony, which was well-attended by near a hundred participants from the legal and business field, was co-organized by the Department of Justice, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade / China Chamber of International Commerce Mediation Center (CCPIT/CCOIC Mediation Center) and HKMC. We are honored to have Mr. Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung, S.C., the then Secretary for Justice of HKSAR, Mr. Yin Zonghua, Vice Chairman of CCPIT and Chairman of CCPIT Mediation Center, Mr. Francis Law, President of HKMC and Ms. Elsie Leung, Deputy Director of Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the NPCSC and Honorary Advisor of HKMC to deliver speeches for us.

MHJMC is co-founded by CCPIT/CCOIC Mediation Center and HKMC. Being the first joint mediation center in our region set up by two major mediation institutions in Mainland and Hong Kong, it aims to provide an efficient and effective platform for resolving cross-border commercial disputes between Mainland and Hong Kong.

As China is actively promoting the "Belt and Road" initiative and the National 13th Five-Year Plan etc, it is foreseeable that cross-border trade would increase drastically and commercial disputes are expected to follow. Thus, the demand for dispute resolution services by these enterprises would definitely become greater. Since Hong Kong is equipped with the dual advantages under the principle of "one country, two systems", the MHJMC can provide more diversified cross-border dispute resolution services for these enterprises, hence reinforcing Hong Kong’s important status as the dispute resolution hub in the Asia-Pacific region.

For press release by the Government of the Inauguration Ceremony, please visit the following webpage:


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