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Season's Greetings - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Dec 2020

Qianhai Court and mediation case by applying Hong Kong law in China
Apr 2019

President Francis Law explains Hong Kong’s unique advantages as a mediation hub
Apr 2019

Dr. Francis Law Delivers Keynote at MGCIP’s Economic Forum
Sep 2018

On 6 September 2018, delegates from Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC) and International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute (IDRRMI), led by Dr. Francis Law, President of HKMC a...
Mediation Week 2016 - Mediation Carnival
May 2016

Jointly organized by Department of Justice and Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC), Mediation Week 2016-Mediation Carnival was held on 8th May (Sunday) at...
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