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Seminar: Before the debate, do we really know Leonard Riskin’s analysis of Facilitative (Elicitive) Mediation and Evaluative (Directive) Mediation?
Aug 2016

In this seminar, Professor TK Iu will introduce participants to how “evaluative mediation” came about, its features and its differences with...
Certificate Course on Training for Mediation Assessor
Jun 2016

Mediation Advocacy Skills Training
Jul 2016

Mediation Advocacy is the technique of presenting and arguing a client's position, needs and interests in a non-adversarial way. This course would equip...
Members Sharing Group (24 June 2016)
Jun 2016

 HKMC would like to invite you to join our “Members Sharing Group”. It is certainly a social networking chance to know other members who are from different professions. You could also know more about the latest development of HKMC.
Cross-border Mediation Coach Training
Jun 2016

With the launch of CHJMC last December, the demand of Cross-border mediation coaches has been greater than ever and, in light of this trend, CHJMC now p...
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