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Mediation Week 2016-Mediation Carnival
May 2016

With the theme “ Harnessing Mediation to Build a Harmonious Community”, the Mediation Week 2016-Mediation Carnival is jointly organized by D...
Seminar on Resolving Cross-border Commercial Disputes by Mediation
May 2016

"Mediators' Voice" Member e-newsletter 2016 March 
Mar 2016

Seminar on Mediation Model for Structured Financial Products Dispute: Ad-hoc or Others'? (16 March 2016)
Mar 2016

Mediators are facing various kinds of financial disputed cases relating to structured financial products issued by various financial institutions. In pra...
Members Sharing Group (11 March 2016)
Feb 2016

HKMC would like to invite you to join our “Members Sharing Group”. It is certainly a social networking chance to know other members who are from different professions. You could also know more about the latest development of HKMC.
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