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(Members Only) [Webinar] Use of Mediation - To Resolve IP & Financial Disputes For Tech Ventures
May 2020

  [Webinar] Use of Mediation To Resolve IP & Financial Disputes For Tech Ventures Start Time: 21 May, 2020  11:00 End Time: 21 May, 2020  15:30 Fee: Free CPD: HKMC: 3 points; I...
20th Anniversary Dinner of Hong Kong Mediation Centre (Postponed)
Feb 2020

  20th Anniversary Dinner of Hong Kong Mediation Centre (Postponed) 20th Anniversary Dinner of Hong Kong Mediation Centre is to be held on 13 February 2020 (Thursday) to share our pleasur...
Dec 2019

   主辦單位 為切實貫徹落實《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》精神,2019年12月8日至12月12日,國際爭議解決實務研修班在國家法官學院成功舉辦...
2019 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day: UNCITRAL Mediation Convention, International Contract Practice and the Belt & Road Initiative
Dec 2019

  Start Time: 2 Dec,2019 End Time: 2 Dec,2019 ...
Nov 2019

重要消息:由於突發事件發生,原定今晚(2019年11月11日晚上7時)於香港和解中心舉行的「會員周年大會2019」將會取消,並將盡快通知最新大會日期。不便之處,敬請見諒。   香港和解中心秘書處謹啟 2019年11月11日(18:27)
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