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Mediation Week 2016 - Mediation Carnival

May 2016
Jointly organized by Department of Justice and Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC), Mediation Week 2016-Mediation Carnival was held on 8th May (Sunday) at Lok Fu Plaza. HKMC has particularly committed $200,000 to the event and arranged more than 30 professional mediators to act as Mediation Ambassadors on the spot, hoping that through game booths, mediation talks, mediation exhibition, extraordinary performances, free mediation consultation and mediation live demonstrations, the participants’ understanding of mediation can be enhanced and as such spurring the development of mediation in the local community. The event aimed to target diversified local residents including students, families, new arrivals from the Mainland and ethnic minorities, contributing to the meaningful cause of the event’s theme“Harnessing Mediation to Build a Harmonious Community”.

Ms. Christina Cheung, the Law Officer (Civil Law) from Department of Justice, served as the event’s Guest of Honor. In her opening remarks, she elaborated on the concept of mediation, its various advantage and the department’s previous efforts in promoting the application of mediation on resolving community issues as well as encouraged the public to prioritize mediation over litigation as a better means for dispute resolution. She concluded her remarks by inspiring the public to accept, care and assist New Arrivals from the Mainland and other ethnic minorities so as to make Hong Kong a more friendly and harmonious place.

Her remarks was followed by the speech from Mr. Francis Law, the President of HKMC, who took the opportunity to briefly introduced the service and support provided by HKMC to the general public, including many free community mediation service schemes in collaboration with numerous governmental departments and other mediation associations. He later pointed out, over the past three years, HKMC has already spent over 4 million dollars on mediation education, free community mediation service schemes and other endeavors in relations to advocating mediation in the local community. He hoped the participants could assimilate the cooperative, trusting spirit of mediation into his life and join hand in hand to construct a concordant society.

Other guests included Mr. Thomas Edward Kwong, JP, Director of Legal Aid Department, Mr. Lee Pak Sing, Deputy Law Officer (Civil Law), Mr. Chan Bing Woon, SBS, MBE, JP, Chairman of Public Education and Publicity Sub-committee of Department of Justice, Mr. Tung Chi Fat, Executive Director of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (Hong Kong), Mrs. Lee Tse Chiu Fun, Principle Liaison Officer (Building Management) of Home Affairs Department, Ms. Amarantha Yip, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society and Mr. Antony Man, Chairman of Joint Mediation Helpline Office, and Ms. Jessica Ling, Unit-in-charge of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups' Parental Conflict Mediation Centre. The event was also sponsored by Construction Industry Council and the Link. All the guests took part in the unique opening ceremony, officially kicking off Mediation Week 2016-Mediation Carnival.

The event has drawn enthusiastic participation from the community, attracting more than 2,000 participants in total. The participants included, but was not limited, a number of students, families, immigrants from the Mainland and racial minorities. The diversity of participants shared the event’s emphasis on caring community. One of the event’s highlights was a variety of game booths set up at the scene, where participants could play along with, expose themselves to mediation concepts and win free prizes and snacks. In addition, mediation exhibition and free mediation consultation provided the participants an excellent chance to get acquainted with HKMC’s wide range of services as well as to ignite their interest in mediation.

Regarding the program on stage, performers from Touch Voice of Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council’s TOUCH-Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities and Midwest District Children Dance Team were invited to deliver extraordinary dance performance and their captivating choreography was met with fervent applause from audiences. With the topic “ Knowing mediation, reaching Win-Win solution”, Mr. Frankie Kwan, the Vice-President of HKMC, hosted a mediation talk to concisely underline the unique advantages of mediation. In hopes of promoting different mediation services to the community, two mediation live demonstrations were presented by HKMC and Parental Conflict Mediation Centre of Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups’ on stage, which showcased the scenarios of building management mediation and parent-child mediation respectively. Besides giving all the participants a joyous yet meaningful afternoon, the successful completion of the event paved the way for a wider use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution in the community and certainly a more harmonious, inclusive society.





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