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Mediation Specialization Series – Common Disputes between Property Management Companies and the Owners

Mar 2017
With the raising of awareness of the property owners and the increasing number of laws and regulations governing properties, property management becomes more and more complicated. After the Legislative Council had enacted the Property Management Services Ordinance in May last year, it is expected that there will be more companies and practitioners in the industry planning to apply for registration in the coming future. After registration, they will be under the supervision of the Property Management Services Authority established under the Ordinance. We expect that there will be more conflicts / disputes between property management companies and property owners. Mediation would be an effective and efficient way in settling the disputes. This seminar will focus on the challenges for Property Manager, sharing on typical disputes and application of mediation to resolve disputes related to property management. 


Attachment :
    - Flyer_Seminar_on_3_April_2017.pdf  

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