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Updates on Council Members Appointment of HKMC

Aug 2017

This is to announce that Mr. Ying Chi Lit Daniel ceases to be Council Member and the Chairperson of Disciplinary Committee of HKMC with effect from 17 August 2017. Dr. Leung Tong Lit Charles, the newly appointed Council Member, will succeed Mr. Ying Chi Lit Daniel with effect from 22 August 2017.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tang Kim Sung will succeed as the Chairperson of Disciplinary Committee, with effect from 21 August 2017.

HKMC would like to extend its warmest welcome to Dr. Leung Tong Lit Charles and sincerely thank you for Mr. Ying Chi Lit Daniel’s commitment, dedication and contributions for HKMC during the past years.


The Secretariat of HKMC

22 August 2017

Attachment :
    - 中心理事之委任通知_20170822.pdf  

Attachment :
    - Update_on_Council_Members_Appointment_of_HKMC_20170822.pdf  

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