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Candidates of the Election Committee Subsector (Legal) Ordinary Election paid a visit to HKMC

Sep 2021

The 2021 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections will be held on 19 Sep. Candidates from the legal sector running in the Election paid a visit to Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC) yesterday (7 Sep 2021).

Candidates exchanged views with representatives from HKMC and they explored possible ways to promote the development of the legal sector with concerted efforts. Attendees also elaborated on their respective manifesto and listened attentively to the opinions of HKMC’s representatives. Riding on the “Improve Electoral System” policy, the candidates, being lawyers and barristers who love the country and love Hong Kong, conveyed their aspiration and ambition to contribute to the sector while adhering closely to the principles of “one country, two systems” and “patriots administering Hong Kong”. This is to ensure national security and assure the country’s development interests, so as to safeguard Hong Kong’s “Rule of Law”. Candidates stressed that the support rendered by the country has placed Hong Kong in a favourable position. Proposals on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, one of the most significant development projects, will introduce new opportunities to Hong Kong’s legal and dispute resolution sectors. Candidates also pointed out the intense competition faced by talents in the growing market, and that there is a need to explore ways to enhance professionality in order to maintain a competitive edge and to open up more possibilities for development.

Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis, President of HKMC, stated that Hong Kong is a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services which is highly reputable in the Asia-Pacific region and the international community. He pointed out that the local legal profession renders generous assistance to different industries, particularly playing a pivotal role in the eight major economic industries and manufacturing industries. The international community shows an increasing demand for Hong Kong’s legal and dispute resolution services, especially in areas such as business negotiation, case management, risk management, dispute resolution, and advocates in dispute resolution. These are the aspects to which the Hong Kong legal profession is dedicated to providing services. Dr. Law hoped that candidates could fervently support the development of the aforementioned, and that the stakeholders within the legal sector could serve in unity and complement each other. By achieving synergy with competence, the overall professionality of the legal sector is to be enhanced. Dr. Law also emphasised that HKMC would fully support the legal sector in creating social harmony, as well as promoting the development of Hong Kong’s business and other sectors to the Greater Bay Area and the international community in pursuit of the “five wins”.

Attendees of this Event: Hui Man Kit Patrick, Neoh Anthony Francis, Fan Hoi Kit, Cheng Ching, Lo Yee Hang, Lau Hon Chuen, Daley Mak Hing Fun Angel, Li Lianjun, Chiang Sui Fook Lilian, Ho Shuk Ying Sabrina, Siu Wing Yee Sylvia.


Other candidates running in the Election: Woo Chun Fai (William), Tong Ka Wah Ronny, Lam Douglas Tak Yip, Pang Melissa Kaye, Bai Tao.



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