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Mediation Week 2018: Half-day Thematic Events
May 2018

Mediation Conference 2018: “Mediate First – Exploring New Horizons”
May 2018

Talk on Family Mediation: The Dynamics and Management
Apr 2018

 Family Mediation is unlike other mediation sessions involving commercial disputes. The divorce process is full of traumas and both parties are often charged with complicated emotions. It is als...
Discounts at Japanese Restaurants for Panel Members of HKMC
Mar 2018

Talk on the Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding) (Amendment) Ordinance 2017
Apr 2018

 The Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding) (Amendment) Ordinance 2017 (“the Amendment Ordinance”) was enacted on 14 June 2017.  This presentation will introduce the main features of the Amendment Ordinance in relation to mediation in Hong Kong.
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