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Seminar on the Keys to a Successful Mediation (24 November 2015)
Nov 2015

"An ounce of mediation is worth a pound of arbitration and a ton of litigation!" Joseph Grynbaum The popularity of med...
Annual General Meeting 2015 (22 November 2015)
Oct 2015

Members Sharing Group (12 November 2015)
Oct 2015

HKMC would like to invite you to join our “Members Sharing Group”. It is certainly a social networking chance to know other members who are from different professions. You could also know more about the latest development of HKMC.
Seminar on Mediating Financial Disputes (29 October 2015)
Oct 2015

The mediation of financial disputes has received increased attention following the Lehman mini bond crisis in Hong Kong. Subsequent development of ...
內地與香港調解實務證書課程(二) - 涉及跨境商事及土地管理部份 (第二屆) (更新:課程已獲香港律師會認可 16CPD學分)
Oct 2015

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