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Seminar on Medical Mediation and Apology Legislation (16 July 2015)
Jun 2015

It is not uncommon to see medical related disputes happen all the time. The existing dispute resolution procedure and complaint handling mechanism have ...
"Mediators' Voice" Member e-newletter 2015 May
May 2015

Members Sharing Group (27 May 2015)
May 2015

HKMC would like to invite you to join our “Members Sharing Group”. It is certainly a social networking chance to know other members who are from different professions. You could also share mediation experiences as well as know more about the latest development of HKMC.
Seminar on Resolving Cross-Border Commercial Disputes (17 Mar 2015)_Change of Venue
Mar 2015

Enforcement of mediation settlement agreement in Hong Kong and other jurisdiction have been great concerns for the public and commercial entities. This seminar will cover the new “Mediation and ...
Seminar on Enforcement of Mediation and Mediated Agreement (10 Feb 2015)
Jan 2015

The seminar will cover the mechanism available for enforcing mediation agreement in Hong Kong and other jurisdiction. The discussion will mainly focus on “voluntariness” and execution of m...
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