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Members Sharing Group (29 Apr 2015)
Apr 2015

HKMC would like to invite you to join our “Members Sharing Group”. It is certainly a chance for social networking. You could also know more about the latest development of HKMC as well as get to know other members who are from different professions.
Legal Procedure and the Role of Mediators
Aug 2014

In order for mediators to be competent in handling the cases referred to them, mediators should have good understanding of the civil litigation procedure, as well as the time/cost/liability implicatio...
Member Sharing Group
Jul 2014

Member Sharing Group
Result of E-letter Naming Competition
Jul 2014

Result of E-letter Naming Competition
Seminar on Risks in Mediation Practice
Jul 2014

The talk will take the mediators through the possible risks in mediation with a general discussion on how such risks could be avoided and/or managed.
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