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Early Closure on Chinese New Year's Eve
Feb 2021

Kindly note that the Secretariat of HKMC will be closing early at 4:00 pm on 11 February 2021 for Chinese New Year's Eve. Thank you for your kind attention.
2020 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day - Webinar: The Future Practice of Commercial Dispute Resolution after Extending the Application of CISG to Hong Kong
Dec 2020

 Date: 10 December 2020 (Thursday) Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Hong Kong Time) Platform: Webinar via Zoom Fee: Free Admission CPD: HKMC and IDRRMI (2 points); HKMAAL (pending) Contact Person: Ms Inky Hui Contact Phone: 3622 1589 Contact Email: Event Flyer
Notice of Office Relocation
Sep 2020

 Notice of Office Relocation Please be informed that the office of Hong Kong Mediation Centre will be relocated to Legal Hub, Central (former Central Government Offices). Effective from 24th Sep...
滬港兩地法律人才交流線上研討會 (2020年度) - 國際商事爭議解決
Sep 2020

日期:2020年9月17日 時間:14:00 - 16:30  研討會主題:國際商事爭議解決 在線平台:騰訊會議平台 主持人:邵開俊律師 出席領導: - 靜安區委常...
家庭治療講座 - 家庭關係如何影響子女開心快樂地成長
Sep 2020

Start Time: 19:00, 22nd September, 2020   End Time: 21:00, 22nd September, 2020   Fee: Panel Members of HKMC, IDRRMI Mediators, IPDRAA members, MHJMC        &nbs...
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