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Annual General Meeting 2016 (25 November 2016)
Nov 2016

4th AMA Conference
Oct 2016

The 4th AMA Conference was successfully held on 20 and 21 October 2016 in Beijing. For more information, please visit
Seminar: Does an apology matter? – Enactment of Apology Legislation and Mediation
Oct 2016

After implementation of the Civil Justice Reform in 2009, mediation has been highly encouraged to settle cases in a costs efficient manner. While most c...
Termination of Membership of Mr. CHAN Man Shing, Jango
Aug 2015

Termination of Membership of Mr. CHAN Man Shing, Jango
Early Closing on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival
Sep 2016

Please kindly note that the Secretariat of HKMC will be closing early at 4:00 pm on 15th September 2016 (Mid-Autumn Festival). Thank you for your kind attention.
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