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调解专门化系列 – 以调解解决知识产权及创新科技争议论坛


Hong Kong is developing as an IP trading hub and a centre of Innovative Technology. The forum aims at focusing on the concerns of the practitioners of both professionals and how to create suitable environment for the business. One of the honourable speakers, Director of Intellectual Property of HKSAR Governemnt, Ms. Leung Ka Lai Ada, will share views on development of HK's IP regime, competitive advantages of developing Hong Kong as a regional IP trading hub and how the above may complement Government's policy to develop HK as a leading centre of dispute resolution. Other guest speakers, Dr. Lau Shui Yin Alex, Dr. Leung Wai Fung Joseph and Ms. Lui Whei Ting Nana will share the views of professional mediator and also the practitioner in the field of IP and IT, and as a barrister-at-law. They will also explore the application and practical tips in using mediation in resolving IP and IT disputes.

Attachment :
    - Mediation_forum_of_HKMC_30_June_17_Flyer.pdf  

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