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Building rapport with parties in dispute is one of the most essential steps in mediation to pave the way for successful settlement. Mediators are always required to use different skills to build a reliable image so that parties can articulate their true thoughts. Being candid, flexible and empathetic is vital to the building of rapport, but how to do so to be exact?

HKMC is most delighted to have Mr Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, GBM, GBS, JP to be the guest speaker of this seminar. Being the President of Legislative Council from 2008 to 2016 and holding countless meetings and major conferences with parties of mixed interests, Mr Tsang is going to share with us his views and experience in building rapport, which are crucial to mediation, and, to a larger extent, the formation of a more harmonious society.

Attachment :
    - 20170829_CPD_Seminar.pdf  

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