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Seminar: Before the debate, do we really know Leonard Riskin’s analysis of Facilitative (Elicitive) Mediation and Evaluative (Directive) Mediation?

开始时间: 2016年09月06日
结束时间: 2016年09月06日
2016年9月6日 19:15 - 21:15
地点: 香港九龙达之路78号香港生产力促进局生产力大楼一楼演讲厅二
费用: Panel Members: HK$150; Associate Members: HK$200; Non-members: HK$250
CPD: HKMC, HKMAAL & Law Society: 2 points
联系人: Ms. Kayley Wong
联系电话: 2866 1800 / 3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on 6 Sep 2016.pdf
In this seminar, Professor TK Iu will introduce participants to how “evaluative mediation” came about, its features and its differences with “facilitative mediation”. Professor Iu will make use of certain parts of Professor L. Riskin’s learned article and the role play of “Broken Glass Door” to illustrate the unique features of “evaluative mediation”. Upon completion of the seminar, participants should be more knowledgeable on the different styles of mediation and they should be more comfortable to display different mediation skills and styles to suit different factual and emotional dimensions of each dispute that he/she may have to mediate in the future. This seminar is open to all mediators but is particularly useful for mediation coaches who need to distinguish the differences between incorrect skills and different mediation styles.


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