会员天地 繁體版 简体版 English


开始时间: 2016年12月09日
结束时间: 2016年12月09日
2016年12月9日 19:15 - 21:15
地点: 香港九龙达之路78号香港生产力促进局生产力大楼一楼演讲厅二
费用: Panel Members: HK$150; Associate Members: HK$200; Non-members: HK$250
CPD: HKMC: 2 points; HKMAAL: 2 points
联系人: Ms. Teresa Lee
联系电话: 2866 1800

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on 9 Dec 2016.pdf
China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) is an internationally renowned commercial and trading event in Mainland China, in which approximately 25,000 local and overseas corporates took part. Meanwhile, the number of trading disputes has been sky-rocketing. For its unique edges in confidentiality, autonomy and flexibility, mediation has grown to be the most promising dispute resolution mechanism and that, in turn, spurred cross-border mediation.

In this circumstance, mediators in Hong Kong are in obvious advantage. Being multilingual, Hong Kong mediators can communicate fluently with both overseas and mainland traders. Moreover, with a more established international standard of mediator qualifications, mediators in Hong Kong are well prepared to embrace highly complexed international trade disputes.

Because of the high competence of mediators in Hong Kong, HKMC mediators at the three Canton Fairs in the past years have earned reputation and been highly recognized by the organizer and exhibitors as well as traders. Not only have they answered questions about mediation at the complaint corner, they have also provided professional mediation services in resolving large number of international trade disputes.

Through the sharing of the experiences they had, challenges they faced and perhaps some real case scenarios, it is foreseeable that this seminar will be a session you cannot afford to miss.


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