会员天地 繁體版 简体版 English


开始时间: 2024年06月05日
结束时间: 2024年07月03日
地点: 香港中环雪厂街11号律政中心西座
费用: HK$10,000 (course fee: HK$8,000 and Stage II professional qualification examination fee HK$2,000)
CPD: HKMC (27 Points)
联系人: Academy of International Dispute Resolution and Professional Negotiation (AIDRN)
联系电话: (852) 3622 2178

Attachment :
    - International Mediation Advocate Certificate Training Course - Flyer - TC.pdf

 报名方式Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6Q_A9dLTfjhYsHU03XHLTsJsS_C6dBKt8kP_hwzcW3jwPpQ/viewform



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