会员天地 繁體版 简体版 English

Seminar on Risks in Mediation Practice

开始时间: 2014年07月10日
结束时间: 2014年07月10日
2014年7月10日 19:00 - 20:30
地点: Preston Training Center Classroom 5, Rm 408 - 409, 4/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong
费用: Free of charge
CPD: HKMC: 1.5 points; HKMAAL: 1.5 points
联系人: Mr. Zero Wan
联系电话: 2866 1800 / 3620 3075

Attachment :
    - Seminar on Risks in Mediation Practice updated.pdf

The talk will take the mediators through the possible risks in mediation with a general discussion on how such risks could be avoided and/or managed.


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