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IP Mediation Workshop - Evaluative Approach in Practice

开始时间: 2015年05月23日
结束时间: 2015年05月23日
地点: Meeting Room S226-S227, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
费用: Free of charge
CPD: HKMC: 2.5 points
联系人: Mr. Andy Tseung of Department of Justice
联系电话: 3695 0894

Attachment :
    - Programme Rundown.pdf
    - Reply Slip.docx

As part of Government’s initiatives to develop Hong Kong as a regional intellectual property (IP) trading hub, the Department of Justice and the Intellectual Property Department will jointly organise an IP Mediation Workshop with a focus of using evaluative mediation in resolving IP disputes. The objective of the Workshop is to explore the use of evaluative mediation, as an alternative to facilitative mediation, to resolve IP disputes in Hong Kong.


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