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调解课程指导员培训课程 (只限本中心专业调解会员报名)

开始时间: 2015年08月08日
结束时间: 2015年08月08日
2015年8月8日 09:00 - 16:30
地点: 香港湾仔轩尼诗道245-251号守时商业大厦21楼
费用: Free of charge
CPD: 4.5 points
联系人: Ms. Gladys Chan
联系电话: 2866 1800 / 3622 2176

Attachment :
    - Flyer - Mediation Coach Training Workshop (8 Aug 2015).pdf
Standard 40-hour Mediation Training Course is designed on performance-based approach to balance the teaching of mediation concept and skills with designated role play exercises. Under the requirement of Hong Kong Mediation Assessment Association Limited (HKMAAL), the Coach of Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC) will be one of the key participants in ensuring the high standard of our mediation training to enable the participants to receive credit towards the accreditation of HKMAAL.

Being a Coach of HKMC, he/she is expected to observe and guide role plays, to identify the areas for reinforcement and improvement of those participants of 40-hr General Mediator Training Courses and to give feedback with reference to their performance in the role plays by using the framework of HPDREE. Moreover, he/she is required to assess the role plays by providing written feedback in English according to the standard of HKMAAL.

The objectives of the captioned workshop and assessment are to explain the latest requirements of the HKMAAL stage 2 Mediator Assessment and to align the performance of all Coaches through a standardized process in giving feedback to participants. In order to ensure the coaching standard of all Coaches are in accordance with the requirements of HKMAAL, an assessment for each Coach will be conducted after the training workshop on the same day. Participants who have completed this Mediation Coach Training Workshop and achieved satisfactory results in the said assessment as well as fulfilling the required qualification specified by HKMAAL may be invited to participate in the 40 hours Mediation Training courses organized or co-organized by Hong Kong Mediation Centre as “Coach of HKMC”.


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