會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English

Seminar on The Role of Court in the Development of Mediation in Mainland China


Through a comparison of Dongguan’s experience with the mediation practice in Hong Kong, the seminar will discuss the role of court in the development of mediation, shifting from a provider of mediation services to a facilitator of the growth of mediation in mainland China. The partnership between courts and mediation organizations will be strengthened and accredited mediators might be appointed by courts to handle disputes.

In mainland China, evaluative mediation is generally used. However the way of mediation should remain flexible and mediators should take different mediation styles including evaluative and facilitative methods to suit different situations. The future practice of mediators from Hong Kong in mainland will also be discussed.

Attachment :
    - Seminar_on_The_Role_of_Court_in_the_Development_of_Mediation_in_Mainland_China_Venue_changed.pdf  

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