會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English

結構性金融產品爭議之調解模式 – 自我協商或其他機構程序? (2016年3月16日)


Mediators are facing various kinds of financial disputed cases relating to structured financial products issued by various financial institutions. In practice, there is resolution procedure formed by Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (“FDRC”) and specified handling mechanism applied by financial institutions. As a mediator, what kind of mediation model and skills you should know or apply on each processing?

This seminar will cover the following issues:

- What is a structured financial product nowadays?

- Essential nature of financial disputed cases and basic conflict reasons of disputants.

- Standing points of financial institutions and their disputants.

- Skills to mediate in the course of mediation. Ad-hoc or FDRC’s model?

- Real case sharing.

Attachment :
    - Flyer_Seminar_on_Mediation_Model_for_Structured_Financial_Products_Dispute_Ad-hoc_or_Others_.pdf  

Attachment :
    - Map_from_MTR_to_Preston_Training_Centre.pdf  

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