會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English


With the launch of CHJMC last December, the demand of Cross-border mediation coaches has been greater than ever and, in light of this trend, CHJMC now proudly presents its first course on Cross-border mediation coach training. The program enables participants to be acquainted with the latest accreditation requirements of CHJMC as well as the mediation practice and development in the Mainland. In addition, it is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to sharpen participants' skills in dealing with Cross-border disputes. Upon satisfactory completion of the program and its term-end accreditation assessment, participants will be eligible to apply for joining the Cross-border Mediator Panel of CHJMC.

Attachment :
    - Flyer_跨境調解指導員培訓課程Cross_border_Mediation_Coach_Training.pdf  

Attachment :

Attachment :
    - (2)_CV_template.docx  

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