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HKMC's Response to Consultation on Draft Code of Practice for Third Party Funding of Arbitration and Mediation (PDF)

2017 - 2018年度灣仔區大廈管理調解訓練課程宣傳單張 (PDF)

香港和解中心呈交至律政司之《道歉條例》意見書 (PDF)

HKMC's Response to Consultation on “Proposal to Enhance the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme” (PDF)

調解條例 (PDF)

調解守則 (PDF)

HKMC's Response to Consultation Paper on Enactment of Apology Legislation in Hong Kong (PDF)

HKMC's response to Second Round Consultation of Apology Legislation (PDF)


香港和解中心就設立投資者教育局及金融糾紛調解中心的建議之回應(參照英文版本) (PDF)

Research Report - "Mediation Services in Hong Kong - Standard Practice and Procedures" (PDF)



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