會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English

提升處理情緒障礙之調解技巧講座 [取消]

開始時間: 2016年08月26日
結束時間: 2016年08月26日
2016年8月26日 19:15 - 21:15
地點: 香港北角英皇道250號 北角城中心408-9室 (炮台山港鐵站 - B出口)
費用: Panel Members: HK$150; Associate Members: HK$200; Non-members: HK$250
CPD: HKMC: 2 points; HKMAAL: Pending
聯繫人: Ms. Kayley Wong
聯繫電話:2866 1800 / 3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on How to Remove Emotional Obstacles in Mediation.pdf
    - Map from MTR to Preston Training Centre.pdf
The objective of the workshop is to equip the participants with knowledge and skills of removing emotional obstacles in mediation. Case illustrations, demonstration and exercises are designed to help them understand how negative emotions of Parties may affect mediation adversely and to enhance their competence of removing the emotional obstacles.



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