會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English

Lecture on “an Update of Developments in UK Case Law on Intellectual Property”

開始時間: 2017年09月01日
結束時間: 2017年09月01日
地點: Auditorium, 15/F, Customs Headquarters Building, 222 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
費用: Free of Charge
CPD: HKMC: 1.5 points
聯繫人: Mr. Dave LAM or Ms. Lois NG
聯繫電話:2961 6960 or 2961 6829
聯繫電郵:davelam@ipd.gov.hk or loisng@ipd.gov.hk

Attachment :
    - Mr Justice Henry Carr Bio.pdf
    - Programme Rundown (1 Sept 2017).pdf
    - Reply Slip.doc

Please be informed that Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the HKSAR will organise a lecture titled ‘An Update of Developments in UK Case Law on Intellectual Property’ on 1 September 2017 (Fri). Please note that 1.5 CPD points of HKMC will be granted to eligible attendees. There will be no charge for attending the Lecture and allocation of places will be on a first-come-first-served basis. For the details of the lecture, please kindly refer to the attached files.

If you wish to attend the Lecture, please complete and return the reply slip as attached by fax (2838 6082) or email to businesscentre@ipd.gov.hk on or before 18 August 2017. Successful applicants will receive confirmation via email by 25 August 2017.

Should you have any enquiries, please directly contact Mr. Dave LAM (Tel.: 2961 6960 / email: davelam@ipd.gov.hk) or Ms. Lois NG (Tel.: 2961 6829 / email: loisng@ipd.gov.hk).


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