會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English


開始時間: 2015年03月17日
結束時間: 2015年03月17日
地點: 香港北角英皇道250號 北角城中心408-9室 Classroom 5 (砲台山地鐵站 - B出口)
費用: Panel Members: HK$100; Associate Members: HK$150; Non-members: HK$200
CPD: HKMC, HKMAAL & Law Society: 1.5 points
聯繫人: Ms. Kayley Wong
聯繫電話:3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on Resolving Cross-border Commercial Disputes Change of Venue updated.pdf

Enforcement of mediation settlement agreement in Hong Kong and other jurisdiction have been great concerns for the public and commercial entities. This seminar will cover the new “Mediation and Arbitration” mechanism for resolving cross-border disputes. This mechanism combines the benefits of Hong Kong Facilitative Mediation and Arbitration in the mainland. The current situation of enforcement of settlement agreement in domestic as well as cross-border jurisdictions will also be covered. In this context, the rationale behind this new dispute resolving mechanism with regards to cross-border of enforcement of settlement agreement will be discussed.

The discussion will mainly focus on the difficulties encountered for resolving disputes rising among the people and the companies in Hong Kong and the mainland. In this regards example will be drawn from the first case cross-border mediation on a commercial dispute with the new mechanism. The experiences of success and the difficulties encountered of the mediator and the parties will be shared.

The training and development plan for Mediator in Hong Kong to cope with the new trend in cross-border dispute resolution process will be discussed.


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