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醫療調解與道歉法的制訂 (2015年7月16日)

開始時間: 2015年07月16日
結束時間: 2015年07月16日
地點: 香港北角英皇道250號 北角城中心408-9室 Classroom 5 (砲台山地鐵站 - B出口)
費用: Panel Members: HK$100; Associate Members: HK$150; Non-members: HK$200
CPD: HKMC: 1.5 points; HKMAAL: 1.5 points
聯繫人: Ms. Kayley Wong
聯繫電話:2866 1800 / 3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Map from MTR to Preston Training Centre.pdf
    - Flyer Seminar on Medical Mediation and Apology Legislation.pdf
It is not uncommon to see medical related disputes happen all the time. The existing dispute resolution procedure and complaint handling mechanism have been criticized as ineffective to resolve such disputes in Hong Kong. Apart from monetary claim, some patients and their families involved in medical disputes would expect receiving apology from the medical professionals and/or the hospital so as to smooth their sorrow and relieve their soreness. In fact, making an apology at the right time can be highly conducive to the conclusion of an amicable settlement.

Regarding this, the Steering Committee on Mediation of Secretary for Justice is currently studying on the desirability of introducing apology legislation in Hong Kong which would lead to a new leaf to the dispute resolution approaches in Hong Kong, in particular a substantive impact on the medical disputes. The SAR government is planning to make public consultation on the apology legislation shortly.

The discussion will focus mainly on providing an analysis of medical disputes and making an apology in medical incidents in the view of a mediator. The speaker will also give an overview of apology legislation and share his insights in training in making an apology.


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