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Seminar on Developments in International Mediation: USA, UK, Asia, India and the European Union (9 October 2015)

開始時間: 2015年10月09日
結束時間: 2015年10月09日
2015年10月9日 19:15 - 20:45
地點: 香港北角英皇道250號 北角城中心408-9室 (炮台山地鐵站 - B出口)
費用: Panel Members: HK$100; Associate Members: HK$150; Non-members: HK$200
CPD: HKMC: 1.5 points; HKMAAL: 1.5 points
聯繫人: Ms. Kayley Wong
聯繫電話:2866 1800 / 3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on Developments in International Mediation.pdf
    - Map from MTR to Preston Training Centre.pdf

Since its early beginnings in the USA the modern commercial mediation model has put down roots all over the world. Mediation is now a fixture of most legal jurisdictions and is beginning to make inroads into new countries like China and India. This seminar will cover some of the more recent developments in international mediation in the UK, USA and Europe. Also although Asian countries like China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan have different legal systems and practices, each jurisdiction is currently in the process of building modern mediation processes which suit their particular civil justice requirements. Hong Kong and Singapore are very much at the forefront of exciting new mediation developments and their ground breaking initiatives are being closely followed by all dispute resolution bodies in the Asian region.


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