會員天地 繁體版 简体版 English

Seminar on Resolving Disputes by Mediation and Arbitration

開始時間: 2014年11月29日
結束時間: 2014年11月29日
地點: Room HJ305, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
費用: Free
CPD: HKMC: 2 points
聯繫人: Ms. Kayley Wong
聯繫電話:2866 1800 / 3620 3076

Attachment :
    - Flyer Seminar on Resolving Disputes by Mediation and Arbitration.pdf
    - POSTER (Mediation 20141129).pdf

This seminar is to explain what Mediation and Arbitration are and how disputants can resolve disputes by Mediation and Arbitration.


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